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If you want to have a look at the latest source code:
View the "master" branch at GitHubspace_Veins-0.3 (latest)
View the "space_Veins-0.3" release at GitHubChanges:
- SGP4Mobility: Improved timing calculations
- Singularity support
- VS Code Devcontainers support
- SatelliteInserter: An OMNeT++ module reading a file containing TLEs and instantiating corresponding satellites in the simulation
space_Veins-0.2 (deprecated)
View the "space_Veins-0.2" release at GitHubChanges:
- The satellite mobility model is still based on the SGP4 model but now it is purely written in C/C++ code.
- Skyfield and all required dependencies are removed.
- Some bug fixes.
space_Veins-0.1 (deprecated)
View the "space_Veins-0.1" release at GitHubspace_Veins 0.1 is released and ready to download from its github repository. Since it depends on Veins 5.1, space_Veins requires all dependencies of Veins 5.1, like SUMO and OMNeT++, too.