Installation |
This installation guide only works with space_Veins-0.3. All other versions of space_Veins are deprecated and are no longer supported. There are two recommended ways to run space_Veins which either use VS Code Devcontainers (Docker) or Singularity.
VS Code Devcontainers
Requirements/Tested with:
- Docker for Windows 4.22.0
- VS Code for Windows 1.82.2
- VS Code extension ‘Dev Containers’ 0.309.0
- Ubuntu 22.04 in WSL2
If you are using a Windows OS, please install the WSL2. Then save space_Veins inside a Linux-based OS in the WSL2. For running the Dev Container, make sure that the WSL2 backend is enabled in Docker.
Start Docker
Open the space_Veins root directory in VS Code. Install the VS Code extension ‘Dev Containers’ if it is not already installed.
A pop-up in VS Code asks if the current folder should be reopened in a container. Click “Reopen in Container”.
VS Code automatically starts creating the Docker container. This takes several minutes to finish.
As soon as building the container is finished, VS Code indicates the use of the Docker container in its lower left corner.
Build space_Veins:
- Press Ctrl + Shift + p
- Type
Tasks: Run Task
- Hit Enter
- Select
build all
Run the example
- Press Ctrl + Shift + p
- Type
Tasks: Run Task
- Hit Enter
- Select
run veins_launchd
- Use the terminal to navigate to
- Run
Requirements/Tested with:
- Singularity 3.11.0
- Debootstrap 1.0.126
Build the Singularity container
1 2
cd space_veins/singularity singularity build --fakeroot singularity-space_veins.sif singularity-space_veins.def
Build space_Veins
1 2
singularity run -H ..:/space_veins --net --network none singularity-space_veins.sif --chdir /space_veins -- make makefiles singularity run -H ..:/space_veins --net --network none singularity-space_veins.sif --chdir /space_veins -- make
Run the example
singularity run -H ..:/space_veins --net --network none singularity-space_veins.sif --chdir /space_veins/examples/space_veins --launchd -- ./run -u Cmdenv -c Null-Island-Launchd -r 0
Alternatively the following commands can be used to build space_Veins and run the example:
Native Installation
Please have a look at the .devcontainer
folder or the singularity definition file singularity/singularity-space_Veins.def
. These files contain all necessary information for setting up a native development environment. Please be aware that space_Veins is only tested with Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy so far.